How to
Pets' Oral Health

Healthy Pet Mouth

The pet’s teeth and gums are healthy if you notice:

Benefits of a healthy mouth:

Pet Bad Breath or Halitosis: Bacteria Build-up

Pet parents often assume their pet’s bad breath (also known as halitosis) is just something they have to live with. What they don’t know is that pet bad breath is actually a sign of bacteria from plaque, tartar, or unhealthy oral tissues in the pet’s mouth. It’s widely considered one of the first signs of gingivitis and periodontal (gum) disease.


Gingivitis (inflamed gums) is the first stage of periodontal disease. However, the effects of gingivitis are reversible with correct, consistent treatment.

Gingivitis is present in the pet’s mouth if you notice:

Unlike other pet oral health formulas, only PlaqClnz products contain Zinc and an amino acid complex, clinically proven effective to prevent plaque and tartar build-up in pets’ mouths. Plaqclnz is alchohol free and will not further irritate the pets mouth.

Gingivitis is present in the pet’s mouth if you notice:

Risks of untreated gingivitis:

Periodontal Disease

Advanced periodontal disease is the primary cause of premature tooth loss in pets. Advise pet parents to seek immediate veterinary care for their pets if you notice any combination of the following:

Risks of periodontal disease

Healthy Mouth

Healthy Mouth

Tartar Build-up

Tartar Build-up

